LDM #376: Jaeger Fuel Flow Indicator – Teardown, test and reverse engineering


LDM #375: Boeing 727 EPR Indicator – Part 1: Teardown and Reverse engineering

Click below to download the full schematic diagram: B727-EPR-A

LDM #374: Humphrey directional gyro – teardown, test and reverse engineering

Video on Youtube: https://youtu.be/xzcyMOsk-X4 Schematic diagram:...

LDM #370: Boeing 757 Standby Engine Indicator


LDM #364: Aircraft Coffee Maker

Part 1: overview https://youtu.be/GiQL9kHKi9I Part 2: reverse engineering https://youtu.be/SyVm-urduX4 Schematic diagram of the coffee maker: Coffee_maker_Rev_A_030624 Modification for 115Vac 50/60Hz: The modification consists to replace the 115Vac/20Vac 400Hz transformer by a 30W AC to DC converter...